How can FAIRWORK Belgium help you?

FAIRWORK Belgium is an organisation with more than 15 years of experience defending the employment rights of labour migrants, documented and undocumented, domestic workers and young au pairs in Belgium. Read about how we can help you too.

Our helpdesk offers you free personalised information about your employment rights and how you can enforce these rights. If you wish, we can put you in touch with the labour inspectorate and help you file and follow up a complaint against your employer.

Get in touch

You can phone us on our free telephone number 0800/120 19

on Mondays and Wednesdays from 09:00 till 13:00 or on Thursdays from 13:00 till 16:00.

Speak to us in Dutch, French or English. If your language is not one of those listed, please ask a friend or acquaintance to phone for you. Or send us your telephone number and tell us which language you speak and we will phone you back with an interpreter.

You can also send an email to or send a message on Facebook. Make sure you always leave us your telephone number or email address so that we can get in touch with you.

Please note: FAIRWORK Belgium cannot help you find work.