
Which tasks are you allowed to perform?

As an employee in the service voucher system, you may perform only household tasks which meet the personal and family needs of the voucher user in their private environment.

There is a list available of the permitted tasks and there are also certain tasks which are explicity forbidden in the framework of the service voucher system.

Permitted tasks

Here is a list of the activities which must be carried out inside the home and the tasks that may be carried out outdoors:

Inside the home:

  • Cleaning the house (including windows)
  • Laundry and ironing
  • Cooking
  • Minor repair work (sewing).


  • Minor shopping (Post Office, baker, pharmacy)
  • Ironing.
  • Transport of people with limited mobilitiy.

These allowable tasks may only be carried out in the voucher user’s personal environment and never in the function of their professional life. So an employee may never be asked to clean the voucher user’s office or a house or apartment that the voucher user rents out. The housekeeper (employee) is also not allowed to iron uniforms or work clothing or shop for the company. They are also not allowed to transport anyone other than the voucher user or their children.

If the voucher user lives in an apartment building, the housekeeper (employee) may not be asked to clean the communal spaces. (stairs, communal entrance, courtyard etc.).

Prohibited tasks

The following are forbidden tasks that voucher users may not ask you to perform:

  • Looking after children, the elderly or the invalid.
  • Plumbing or electrician’s work.
  • Caring for pets.Caring for pets.
  • Painting the house.
  • Working in the garden.
  • Administrative tasks in a company.
  • Repair and maintenance of machines.

If the voucher user asks you to perform an unauthorised activity, you are not obliged to meet their demands. You do not have an employee-employer relationship with the voucher user. Report any irregularities to the agency or get in touch with your trade union.