
Centres that help victims of human trafficking

If you are a victim of human trafficking, you can get in touch with one of the following specialised centres. They will give you information and support you in enforcing your rights. Get in touch with the centre located nearest to you.

PAG-ASA (Brussels)

Cellebroersstraat 16b
1000 Brussels
Tel: 02 511 64 64
Email: info@pag-asa.be

Payoke (Flanders)

Leguit 4, 2000 Antwerp
Tel: 03 201 16 90
Email: admin@payoke.be

Sürya (Wallonia)

Rue Rouveroy 2, 4000 Liège
Tel: 04 232 40 30
Email : info@asblsurya.be

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